Sermon summary from our 48th anniversary!

The readings for this 28th Sunday of the Year are perfectly aligned with our celebration of the 48th anniversary of our Dignity chapter. The readings, both from Isaiah and Matthew's Gospel, speak about God setting a great feast for all to come together and enjoy. Jesus shares the Parable of the wedding feast, which is a metaphor for God's Reign. The Ruler in the story is God, the feast is the Reign of God and the invited guests are us. Jesus reconnected his followers to God's promise to always bring nourishment and community to God's people. This vision of setting a great feast is ours to reclaim as our own today.

It was 48 years ago that Dignity Chicago first set the table and welcomed to the feast the LGBTQI Catholic community. This feast provided safety, community and a place where we could integrate our spirituality and sexuality. And this feast has endured because of us, because of those who have come before us. I think of Jim Bussen who was a great leader and who continuously claimed our rightful place in the life in the Church. I think of our dear Barbara Henney, who as a straight ally, one day just showed up on our doorstep, hungering for a feast where her desire for a truly welcoming community, and one that also honors women called to priesthood, was met.

In spite of all our challenges these days and perhaps having some feelings of being diminished, let us reclaim this feast of God's Reign as our own. Let us affirm that our opportunities, gifts and determination are not diminished. Let us be renewed and recommitted as we go forward to our 50th anniversary!

Chris Pett

Chris is a priest and has served as DignityUSA’s president.


Bussen Award to Gerber/Hart Library and John D’Emilio


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